How to Get More Done In 2 Hours Than Most People Do In a Day | Pennalife

How I Get More Done In 2 Hours Than Most People Do In a Day

Between starting this blog and running my main business, 24 hours wouldn’t be enough if I didn’t develop an effective productivity strategy for myself.

On a typical day, I spend 7 hours tapping away at my keyboard. And since I’m low on creative energy in the afternoons, that means I need to complete the majority of my daily business tasks by 11 a.m. which doesn’t include the time I spend sorting out breakfast and doing light chores.

But, thanks to this productivity sprint I’m about to share with you, I get 70% of my daily tasks done in the morning within only two hours. So, for the rest of the day, I attend to the remaining 30% of my tasks.

If you never feel like you do enough despite the long hours you spend working, this one strategy will change your life. By following this technique, you can get more work done in only 2 hours than most people do in an entire day. Let’s get into it.

Before My Productivity Sprint

My productivity sprint happens in the morning, but there are some preparations I make every night so I can wake up without morning anxiety and with a clear focus on what I want to do. Here are the three things I do before my morning focus sprint:

Clean My Workspace

Every evening after the close of work, I block out 15 minutes of my time to clean and organize my workspace. 

I’m an overthinker with ADHD, who is a paper-and-pen kind of person. That means my thought process is elaborate and somewhat messy, enough to leave pieces of paper and colored cards all over my desk. 

And then, there’s me (again!) who can’t think when my space is rough. Catch-22, right? You bet

So, in preparation for my focus sprint the next morning, I clear my desk and put everything in place—laptop on its stand, pen in cups, colored cards and post-it notes in a clear bag, and A4 papers and notebooks in my drawer.

Sleep Early

I believe proper rest is necessary for improved productivity. So, I do my best to get adequate rest for an average of 7 hours. My sleep schedule is from 11:00 pm to 6:05 am.

When you work during the day, your body needs to rest and regain its strength. But sometimes, it’s easy to get carried away by the hottest series on Netflix, late-night chats, and work emails. To avoid any form of distraction, I created a nighttime routine that keeps me on track and helps me sleep on time. 

Schedule My Tasks Ahead

Every night, I write down a list of tasks (and keep them small) for the following morning in my life planner. It gives me a sense of purpose and direction on the steps to start my day.

These to-do lists aren’t my only focus point. I have a vision board in my workspace to track and remind myself of my quarterly and yearly plans. 

However, creating a simple list of tasks every day boosts my productivity as an ADHDer and helps me find opportunities for quick wins and self-motivation.

My 2-Hour Productivity Sprint

A laptop on the desk for a productivity sprint to get more done in 2 hours than most do in a day.

I’m most efficient in the mornings—specifically, between 6:30 and 8:30 a.m. 

When I wake up, after my prayer and journal entry, I spend the next two hours crushing the tasks on my list.

Here’s what my exact 2-hour productivity sprint looks like:

1. Spray The Room

I grab a cup of hot coffee and a jar of water and move into my workspace. But before I start anything, I spray the room with a woodsy, citrusy, or lavender fragrance. 

I’m a perfume and fragrance collector. If I’m having a hard time falling asleep, don’t like the vibe in my room, or want to get into a certain feeling, I spray my blanket, room, or body.

This is what I do every morning before my work sprint. I spray my workspace to get me in a positive mood.

2. Set a Timer for Two Hours

I like to track time. It’s one of the productivity tips I’ve learned as an ADHDer. Setting a timer keeps me focused and allows me to evaluate my typing speed. More so, it alerts me to stop my sprint after two hours so I can get on with my morning routine.

So, I use a Pomodoro by Toggl Track in tandem with my iPhone to set a timer for 2 hours. The app makes no sound but documents the time tracked, while my iPhone timer rings once the time is up.

3. Put My Phone on Do Not Disturb Mode

Being an adult with ADHD, I require specific focus activities such as putting my phone on DND mode and stamping post-it notes on my desk to remind me of my tasks and the order they follow. 

Being on DND keeps me focused and rid of distractions such as calls, messages, emails, and social media push notifications. 

4. Focus on The Bigger Tasks

Then, I get into the main task(s) of the day and try to be done in 2 hours.

I turn on my computer and focus on bigger tasks, such as writing a blog post, working on a copywriting project, or planning social media captions. So in the afternoons, I can attend to othermore visual, less brain powertasks like designing graphics, organizing calendars, and replying to DMs and emails.

The reason I focus on tasks that require more creative thinking, time, and attention first is because once they’re solved, the rest of the list is easy. 

Note: I focus on bigger and simpler, not harder, tasks. I don’t like back-end setups or email automation. For me, they are hard. I dedicate special periods to tackling tasks like this, as they can take me the whole day. If all the tasks on your list are your thing, start with the bigger tasks. But, if you have tasks that are not within your zone of genius (that is, harder tasks), start with simpler tasks.

Final Thoughts: My 2-Hour Early Morning Productivity Sprint

If you’re looking for a proven way to become more productive during your work days instantly, this strategy will work for you.

This sprint has been my secret productivity weapon for almost 3 years now. It’s how I get more done in only two hours than most people do in a whole day.

I understand that we aren’t the same. So, discover your most productive hours. If you’re a night owl, your productivity sprint could be at night. 

Take cues from this to build a strategy that fits your nature and schedule, but ensure you commit to 2 hours of work focus during your most productive time. If you do this long enough, it will become a habit that helps you get more done in less time.

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