Disclaimer: This might be the most ridiculous and somewhat chaotic 27 before 27 you’ve ever read. Enjoy!

You work hard your whole life trying to become a responsible adult, and when you get there, you realize you never had any fun.
That was what Owen Hendricks said in The Recruits when he was having a mid-life-slash-work crisis. And that statement is the summary of how I’ve been feeling lately.
In a few months, I’m going to be 27 years old.
OMG! I’m gon’ be 27??!!!
I remember when my best girl clocked 24. I was 23 at the time. She was bawling her eyes out and hyperventilating about the fact that she was getting old.
I found her worry weird at the time, maybe even a little dramatic, but I gave her the support she needed (because, well, I’m my friends’ biggest cheerleader).
But I’m feeling now what she felt back then.
I’m Having the “Getting Old” Syndrome
I was 20 years old and only wanted to work a little to make some money.
How is it that seven freakin’ years have already passed by?
Dear Lawd! Even talking about it makes my heart race.
This is probably the best time to start singing “Forever Young,” like it’s my daily mantra.
But, then again, age is just a number. Or not?
Hmmm… *Heaves a loud sigh*
Sometimes, it’s a reminder that you’re not doing enough and you need to figure sh*t out before you lose all your teeth.
Sometimes, it’s proof that you’ve come a long way and you’re doing the best you can.
Sometimes, it’s a nudge that you should do the things that matter to you because you’ll never be that age again. And this seems to be my direction.
For the past seven years, I’ve been ADULTING, working, and handling responsibilities (even those that aren’t mine).

Adulthood—at least, the kind I’ve experienced for the last seven years—is all seriousness and hard work. Emphasis on the “hard.”
I work hard and don’t play.
But 27, by all means, has to be the start of my “work enough and play hard era.”
As the extrovert that I originally was—before the whole pandemic apocalypse—I can say I haven’t had true fun.
I want to ENJOY LIFE with the little I have. Instead of always waiting till I have “IT.”
I want this year to mark the beginning of my intentional self-care journey. I want to look back at my twenties, I giggle about how much fun I had.
I deserve this—and if I’m being honest, my current boring life doesn’t suit my Gemini personality. Not one bit.
27 Before 27 Bucket List
I have less than six months until my birthday, and I wouldn’t want to rush myself. The sole purpose of creating this list isn’t to check off some tasks. It’s to do things I’ll actually ENJOY.
With that being said, this will be titled:
27 Things I Want to Do By Age 27
The term “by” would mean before and during the time I’m 27 years old.
This is my very real, slightly chaotic list of things—in no particular order—I want to accomplish before I turn 27 because apparently being in your mid-twenties means you should have your life together?
(Spoiler alert: I don’t, and that’s exactly why we’re here!)
1. Take an international trip
A not-so-fun fact?
I’ve never traveled outside my country (even though I’ve always wanted to)!
I’ve had a few interstate road trips and train rides. And I have many travel videos saved to a 3-year-old Instagram folder. Time to trade those sticky notes for actual passport stamps.
2. Learn to swim

Since I’m planning to travel abroad, I refuse to make headlines like “Tourist Who Can’t Swim Fights for Her Life in International Waters.”
I’ve tried it once and almost drowned. But she who tries and runs away will turn and learn another day.
Plus, I have no basic survival skills, except running the best I can (if that counts).
3. Go to a live concert
Yes, I know it’s 2025, and I’ve never been to a concert.
My music experience is limited to aggressive shower singing and car karaoke. Time to upgrade!
4. Ride a Ferris wheel
Little me would be so disappointed knowing adult me still hasn’t done this.
Sorry, mini-me. We’re fixing this ASAP!
I was a “get inside kid” growing up and didn’t have proper fun or childlike liberty.
And, for whatever reason, my parents took me to some places (which I am grateful for) excluding an amusement park. Specifically, the Ferris wheel in an amusement park—or maybe I was too young and do not remember.
Anywho, it’s now a very important wish that has to come true.
5. Do a street dance
I’m a self-proclaimed queen of indoor pop dance. Nobody dances better than me! I don’t care what you say. For almost a year before I lost interest in social media, I’d stalk street dancers on Instagram, save their videos, and say, “I’ll do this someday.”
Well, “someday” is now. Luckily for me, I live in a quiet neighborhood, so this shouldn’t be too hard to do.
6. Learn to drive
I can’t swim. I can’t drive.
Now, I need to learn both because, in my book, they’re important criteria for being “grown-ups.”
7. Become a video content creator
Time to share my content with the world. It might be a recording of my hands while I mess up basic tutorials or clips of how I go about my daily work.
I have stories to tell and experiences to share. Even though I haven’t decided what platform to use, whether that’s YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram, I know that I have to embrace video content.
8. Attend a karaoke night

I want to go to a public place and do karaoke.
I do it in my shower all the time. I sometimes do it with my partner. I do it on most days since I’m a music lover.
Since I used to be in the choir back in the day and everyone thought I had a beautiful, stage-worthy voice, I think it’s time to test this theory in public.
Are you a music lover too? Here are 141 heartfelt quotes about music that will uplift your spirit.
9. Fly in a plane
Yes, you read that right. I’ve never been on a plane or a boat (but that’s not a priority right now, as long as I can swim).
I’ve been too busy being best friends with my desk. But this is the year I conquer the skies. (After I figure out how airports work…)
10. Teeth-whitening procedure
Because coffee stains and tetracycline have done a number on my teeth.
I want to blush when I look at my smiling mouth in the mirror. I know many celebrities use veneers. I’d love to, but at least, for now, I should start with a simple teeth-whitening procedure.
11. Learn Spanish
This has been a long time coming, and I think the source of my obsession started when I watched Money Heist.
I want to learn another language apart from English—and the only one that comes to mind is how to say “Senorita, hola, and belissima.”
12. Take pictures in a Sunflower field
Okay, this one’s my favorite! 🌻
I’m lowkey obsessed with sunflowers. They’re basically the golden retrievers of the flower world—tall, yellow, and guaranteed to make your day better. Plus, the way they keep looking toward the sun (aka positivity) is a literal mindset tip.
Finding a field of these beauties and having my main character moment is non-negotiable.
13. Land 2 blog sponsors

Because my creativity needs to meet capitalism at some point.
Not looking for anything crazy—just two awesome brands who get my vibe and don’t mind that I sometimes write posts in my oversized pajamas.
14. Focus on a skincare routine
This is one of my daily routine priorities and an important tip for stepping into my lady era.
I have acne-prone skin, and lately, my skin has been dull and rough with lots of hyperpigmentation. It’s time to graduate from “hoping for the best” to actually understanding what the heck retinol is—and use it right.
15. Get fit and toned
I’m not trying to become the next fitness influencer, but I DO want to look good, healthy, and young.
While I want to be toned and curvy, I do want to shed some weight and be slimmer. The work-from-home lifestyle has made me comfortable (maybe a little too much!). Now, I’m fighting off back rolls, and my stunning, never-worn-before dresses are quickly becoming undersized. I want to change that.
16. Watch all of Gilmore Girls
Time to binge all seven seasons and finally understand why everyone’s obsessed with some town called Stars Hollow. So much so that some women say it’s their favorite movie of all time and they watch it every Christmas.
17. Make 3 business friends
I’m looking for fellow passionate bloggers who’d love to be friends and support each other. I’m relatively new—and, tbh, it can be lonely sometimes.
Nothing like a formal community. I’m just looking for genuine connections where we can bounce ideas off each other, share insights, and help each other thrive in our businesses. If you’re a blogger (in any niche!) who’d love to connect one-on-one, send me a message! Love ya already! <3
18. Learn to make fluffy doughnuts

My first attempt at homemade doughnuts taught me that baking is indeed a science—one where my yeast completely failed to rise to the occasion.
The result? Doughnuts that could have been mistaken for paperweights. This might sound like an exaggeration, but I was truly disappointed, hence the remark.
This time around, I’m going to conquer my fear of yeast and master the art of making proper jam doughnuts.
19. Ride a car at the beach
I’d love to ride those beach cars (I think they’re also called “dune buggies”). I see them at the beach, eye them a bit, and shift my focus to the people running away from the waves.
I will ride it this time around and finally check it off this list.
20. Eat a foreign dish
Chinese restaurants. Indian food. Spanish restaurants. Or foreign dishes in local restaurants. As long as it’s “foreign.”
And to qualify, the food has to be something I can’t pronounce without embarrassing myself. I love drama. *laughs out loud.* Or maybe something that might make my taste buds question their life choices. Even if the taste of the food goes south, at least, the experience will make for an excellent story.
21. Learn to illustrate
My artistic abilities currently peak at people who look like potatoes with stick legs, and of course, sunflowers. (And no, they don’t look like lollipops. They are actually beautiful and I’ve got proof.)

But I have dreams, okay? Dreams of creating cute little doodles for my blog, of illustrating my own stories, of finally understanding why artists get so excited about things like “perspective” and “proportion.”
22. Attend a business conference
I’d like to wear my fancy pants, attend hyped industry events, and pretend I understand corporate jargon like “paradigm shift” and “vertical integration.”
Just kidding.
I want to meet with people I admire in real life, make meaningful connections, and just know what it feels like to be part of an in-person conference. Plus, I hear they give out free pens, and who doesn’t love free pens?
23. Take more photos

But like, actual good photos. Not just the “let me snap and show you what I mean” kind or the “I’m documenting every meal I eat” kind (though those aren’t going anywhere).
I want to capture moments that matter—the sunflower fields I’ll find, the first time I successfully make fluffy doughnuts, and the proud moment I finally learn to swim without looking like a panicked turtle.
24. Learn carpentry
I’m tired of scrolling through Pinterest, finding the perfect furniture or home design, and not getting what I want in real life.
I’ve spent countless hours IN VAIN trying to find furniture that matches the designs in my head (and gallery) or attempting to communicate my ideas to carpenters.
Time to take matters into my own hands (literally). I want to DIY furniture pieces and bring my exact home design ideas to life.
25. Save $100k
That’s it! I’ve got a lot of plans right now, and $100,000 is where my mind is at.
Btw, if you’re intentional about tracking your finances, life goals, and bucket list ideas like me, I think you’ll love the All-in-One Life Planner.
The All-in-one life planner
A simple spreadsheet resource to plan, organize, and track your life goals in one place.

26. Find a charity to support
While I’ve always believed in giving back, my charitable giving has been “as it goes.”.
I want to shift from random acts of kindness to meaningful, consistent support. The goal is to find an organization where I can contribute not just financially but also through regular involvement and genuine connection.
My focus will be on children’s homes—because I’ve always had an interest in helping young minds develop and dream.
27. Get to 3000 subscribers
This isn’t just about the numbers (though, let’s be honest, seeing that number go up feels better than finding extra fries at the bottom of the bag).
I’ve always wanted to build a community of people who get my random references, laugh at my workspace wall jokes, and maybe even share my sunflower obsession.
I want to create a corner of the internet where we can all be unapologetically ourselves, share our chaos, and figure out our “most exciting” life together. Subscribe to my list for weekly stories and tips.
In Summary: My 27 Before 27 List
Look, I know some of these might seem basic to you.
You might even be thinking, “Girl, you’ve never been on a plane?!” (Trust me, I’m thinking the same thing.)
But that’s exactly why this list matters. These aren’t just random goals—they’re things that my workspace-wall-loving, sunflower-obsessed, can’t-swim-to-save-my-life self needs to experience.
Will I accomplish everything? Maybe. Maybe not. Will I have hilarious stories trying? Absolutely.
And hey, if you see someone flailing in a swimming pool, awkwardly dancing on a street corner, or having a photoshoot in a sunflower field—that’s probably me living my best “27 before 27” life.
Bookmark and share this post if you loved it or are on a similar journey of trying to adult better. And, by better, I mean in a way that feels good to you.
Bonus points if you’ve never been on a plane either—let’s be travel newbies together! 😀