You might be wondering…

What inspired the name, Pennalife?

Pen (to write valuable tips) & a life (about how to live a life that excites you). That’s why I share actionable tips, inspiration, routines, and ideas you can apply in real-life scenarios to enhance your well-being, work, and peace of mind.

hello, friendie

I’m Sally—a perfectionist, A-class overthinker, and ADHDer.

My mission is to help you go from chaos to clarity so you can live the life you desire. 

I believe that when you decide to change your life, the universe has a way of conspiring to make it a reality. So, you, my friend, can turn your life into the peaceful and productive one you’ve always dreamed of.

Together, we can intentionally create a life that makes us super-pumped about living.

  • Is your consistency level at zero, but you want to stay true to your dreams? Or do you find yourself leaving things half-done?
  • Do you have too many ideas and are drowning in a pool of decision paralysis?
  • Are your processes in complete chaos, and you want easy ways to streamline them?
  • Do you need better strategies to boost your productivity?

If you said yes to any of these points, you’re in the right place.

Get to know me

tea or coffee?

Lately, it’s tea. Specifically, ginger tea with milk.

my favorite flower


on weekends you’ll find me…

Doing my laundry, shopping some groceries, and bingeing a Netflix series.

I couldn’t live without

A bowl of fruits and yoghurt

Morning person or night owl?

Both! Depending on the occasion. ;D

favorite apps

Microsoft To-Do, Reddit

DREAM travel destination


Best piece of advice i’ve received

You’re not behind or late or missing out, you’re right on YOUR OWN time.

Let’s partner up

interested in a collab? want to be friends? Looking to feature me on your blog?

Got Questions?

You can shop my favorites and recommendations on this page.

If you’re a fellow blogger secretly wondering what Template I’m using, you can shop the Vivienne Template by 17th Avenue designs.

I’m a big fan of good self-care, fitness, and home decor products, and would love to collaborate with you to promote your stuff. (Note: I’m not an influencer. I only recommend credible products I use or believe in). I’m also open to magazine and podcast features. Let’s chat.